Fastest way to increase the Readiness Rating is through Multiplayer. The lowest readiness rating you can have is 50%.

On your War Assets screen you can see something like: Total Military Strength: 6000 Readiness Rating: 80% Effective Military Strength: 4800 That last figure is the determining number. Effective Military Strength (EMS): This is the War Assets, times the Readiness Rating. Main difference is that you get some additional war assets if you chose to save the collectors base. But we put the warning anyway, just in case.) Factors affecting ending of the game: Collector's Base: In Mass Effect 2, Shepard had to make a critical decision between the following options: Destroying the Collector's Base Leaving the Collector's Base to Cerberus If you did NOT play Mass Effect 2, or if you started a new game on Mass Effect 3 WITHOUT importing a character, the assumed choice is: Shepard Destroyed the Collectors Base Note: You can achieve the perfect ending whether or not you destroyed the Collector's base. WARNING: BIG SPOILERS AHEAD! (We were not sure if to include this warning - if you are reading an article about the ME3 endings, you can guess yourself that there will be spoilers. This article reveals the various different endings of Mass Effect 3.